The regular elementary school day begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 2:43 p.m.
a. Campus opens at 7:15 a.m. Students are not allowed on campus before 7:15 a.m.
b. Parents/Guardians picking up their children are permitted inside the gates at 2:45. Students waiting for their ride home must leave the campus no later than 3:00 p.m. (Unless participating in a sanctioned activity.)
Talofofo Elementary School is a closed campus. This means that students may not leave the school or its grounds at any time without the permission of the principal or his/her designees. (This includes before school begins and after school while waiting for the bus/your ride. You must stay within designated areas on campus during break and lunch periods.) A parent or guardian must sign a student out in the office. All other visitors must report to the Main Office.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school. A visit gives you an opportunity to learn about the school program, its practices and its goals. Students are not allowed at any time without administrative approval to bring brothers or sisters, relatives, or friends to school with them. When you visit the school, you must check in at the school gate and leave your picture identification (driver’s license or I.D. badge) with the assigned school personnel before proceeding to the school office to obtain a VISITOR’S PASS badge. The VISITOR’S PASS badge must be worn at all times while on campus. Please drop off the VISITOR’S PASS badge at the office upon completion of your visit. Your picture identification will then be returned at the school gate. During these visits, parents are requested not to hold any conference with the teacher, but to schedule a conference after school.